The results of a survey conducted by the research center SKDS in December 2021 show that the majority of the population is generally satisfied with the appearance and cleanliness of station buildings, stops and platforms.
In recent years, the population's assessment of the railway passenger infrastructure in Latvia has not changed significantly - in 2021, 73% of the respondents have admitted that they are generally satisfied with the appearance, cleanliness and technical condition of railway station buildings and stops. The same number of respondents have indicated that they are also satisfied with the appearance, cleanliness and technical condition of the passenger platforms. Meanwhile, slightly less - 64% - consider platform lighting, seating and other equipment to be satisfactory.
The vast majority or 58% of respondents still admit that they are satisfied with the security at the stations and within their territory, and they do not have to worry about the safety of themselves and their belongings. Respondents' satisfaction with the availability of shopping, catering and other services at stations is lower. Less than half or 49% of respondents are satisfied with this aspect.
SJSC "Latvijas dzelzceļš" board chairman Māris Kleinbergs: “Gradual modernization and development of railway passenger infrastructure is one of LDz's priorities, and in the coming years all railway passengers will see significant positive changes - at the end of next year the modernization of 48 railway stations and stops will be completed, and in the future these railway stations will meet all modern safety, aesthetic and environmental accessibility requirements. Of course, in order for the railway to become the backbone of passenger transport, it is important to gradually transform stations and stops into mobility points with parking for park&ride functions, as well as cafes, postal services, shopping places, bicycle or electric scooter rental points and other opportunities needed for people's daily lives. "Latvijas dzelzceļš" has already started the gradual establishment of such mobility points in close cooperation with local governments, and our goal is to make the railway, where it is available, the first choice of residents in the coming years when planning short or long journeys”.
About the survey: The SKDS survey was conducted in December 2021, questioning 1,046 residents between the ages of 16 to 75 throughout Latvia.