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Pupils from Rauda and Medumi special boarding schools visit LDz

Wednesday, 23 September, 2009

Within the framework of Support program Communication Department of SJSC Latvijas dzelzceļš organized a visit for pupils of Rauda and Medumi special boarding schools to LDz in Riga.

At first children from Rauda and Medumi special boarding schools went to head office of Latvijas dzelzceļš, where they could view their works – drawings and watercolor paintings on railway theme - in the exhibition.

Afterwards pupils and their teachers together with the employees from Communication Department went to the cinema Parex plaza to watch the premiere of the film Bērnības garša (A Taste of Childhood) of the series Lai dzīvo bērni (Let the children live). This film is the result of several years lasting cooperation project, in which participate Latvijas dzelzceļšLatvijas gāzeLatvenergo and Road Traffic Safety Directorate. The film contains several plots – it shows in a dramatic manner what is the result of unreasonable and irresponsible behavior, when children find themselves in high-risk territories, and at the railway.

The event in cinema was conducted by Raimonds BERGMANIS. He conducted also an improvised Security Lesson, in which children had to answer to the questions about security at the railway, and those, who gave the right answers, were given presents.

After the film children went on excursion to the Natural History Museum of Latvia. Many pupils were there for the first time.

The trip from Daugavpils to Riga and back was sponsored by JSC Pasažieru vilciens.


Prepared by LDz Public Relations Division