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LDz will organize high level CEO`s meeting

Thursday, 25 February, 2010

On 13-14th of May in Jūrmala (Latvia) will take place the 52nd meeting of Railway Transport Council (ЦСЖТ), which will be attended by CEO`s of railway companies from the Baltic States, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries of 1520mm railway area.

The Chairman of the Council and President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin entrusted organization of the meeting to Latvijas dzelzceļš.

“The fact that we are given a task to organize this meeting and it will take place in Latvia should be regarded as an acknowledgment that we can organize such a high level event, and also a chance to present Latvia and its business advantages to our cooperation partners. Thus we have a huge honor and a big responsibility,” said Chairman of the Board of SJSC Latvijas dzelzceļš (LDz) Uģis Magonis.

During these days it is planned to sign a cooperation agreement between LDz and Russian railways on organization of rail transportation.

The Council brings together seventeen railway administrations of 1520mm railway area with an aim to coordinate railway transport operation in the territory of these countries. Within the framework of the Council the members agree on the use of common wagon and container yard, organization of international transportation, train traffic safety; approve systems for mutual payments of railway administrations on transportation, the use and repairs of rolling stock; as well as define economic responsibility of railway administrations on infringement and methods of dispute settlement procedure between railway administrations.


Prepared by LDz Public Relations Department