55.6 million tons of freight were transported on Latvian Railway infrastructure in 2015.
The volume of freight in 2015 decreased slightly by 2.4% compared to year 2014 when the volume of freight reached 57 million tons. The fall is small against the planned decrease of 20%.
Export transportations via stations at Latvian ports diminished considerably – by 37% (2.8 million tons of freight transported). Import transportations decreased by 2.3% (48 million tons of freight transported). At the same time, there was a considerable increase in domestic and overland transit transportations - 1.6 million and 2.84 million tons of freight respectively, which is 33% and 53.7% more than in year 2014.
As regards the types of freight, the transportation of the main group of freight – oil and oil products - grew by 2.2% (21.76 million tons), but the transportation of the second largest group - coal - fell by 5.2% (19.1 million tons).
The volume of transported ferrous metals constituted 1.2 million tons of freight, which is 23.9% less than in year 2014. The volume of transported mineral fertilizers decreased by 20.3% (3.7 million tons). The volume of transported mineral substances fell by 4% (1.1 million tons).
The volume of transported timber products grew by 52.5% (1.5 million tons), the volume of chemical cargoes increased by 4% (1.8 million tons). There was a considerable increase in sugar (+31.9%), as well as grain and flour products (+25.7%) transportation, 124 thousand and 1.8 million tons respectively.
Latvian Railway Group consists of the holding company SJSC Latvijas dzelzceļš and five subsidiaries: JSC LatRailNet, which is performing determination of infrastructure charge and allocation of the railway infrastructure capacity; LDz Cargo LLC, which is ensuring railway cargo transportation and international passenger transportation; the infrastructure construction and maintenance company LDz Infrastruktūra LLC; the rolling stock repair and maintenance company LDz Ritošā sastāva serviss LLC, and the security company LDz Apsardze LLC.