In order to ensure modern, safe and convenient railway infrastructure that will also be adapted for the new passenger trains, LDz is currently implementing the project "Modernization of railway passenger infrastructure, stage 2" (link to the information in Latvian), which is a continuation of the "Modernization of railway passenger infrastructure" (stage 1) (link to information in Latvian) project launched in 2021 to modernize or construct new elevated platforms and the adjacent infrastructure at 48 railway stations and stops on the following railway lines:
- Riga – Jelgava
On this railway line, passenger platforms will be modernized at the following at stations and stops: Baloži, Biznesa augstskola Turība, Tīraine, Jaunolaine, Dalbe, Ozolnieki, while the stop Atgāzene will be moved closer to Riga by building a new stop - Bieriņi / Bērnu slimnīca.
- Riga – Tukums II
On the railway line from Riga to Tukums, passenger platforms will be modernized at the following stations and stops: Priedaine, Jaundubulti, Ķemeri, Smārde, Milzkalne, Tukums I and Tukums II, as well as two new stops Iļģuciems and Bolderāja will be built in the direction of Bolderāja.
- Riga – Krustpils
On this railway line, passenger platforms will be modernized at the following at stations and stops: Šķirotava, Gaisma, Dole, Ikšķile, Jaunogre, Ogre, Pārogre, Ciemupe, Ķegums, Lielvārde, Jumprava and Skrīveri.
- Riga – Skulte
On the railway line from Riga to Skulte, passenger platforms will be modernized at the following stations and stops: Zemitāni, Brasa, Sarkandaugava, Mangaļi, Ziemeļblāzma, Vecdaugava, Vecāķi, Kalngale, Garciems, Garupe, Carnikava, Gauja, Lilaste, Pabaži, Saulkrasti, Ķīšupe, Zvejniekciems and Skulte. Two new stopping points will be constructed on the railway line: Dauderi (between Sarkandaugava and Mangaļi railway stations) and Šmerlis (between Čiekurkalns and Jugla railway stations) in the direction of Sigulda.
Thinking about the needs of all society groups, at all of the modernized railway stations and stops LDz will build elevated platforms, modern and functional canopies, adjusted to the number and needs of passengers, benches and bicycle parking stands, as well as a client-friendly information and notification system that can be used by all society groups. The rail passenger infrastructure will be made accessible to people with movement, sight and hearing impairments, and tactile surfaces and guides will be provided for passengers with such special needs. Video surveillance will be installed to enhance passengers’ security.

Construction and modernization of the platforms will be carried out in accordance with the unified Universal Design Standard of SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš” Passenger Infrastructure (available in Latvian), that determines the visual appearance of railway stations, stops and passenger platforms managed by “Latvijas dzelzceļš”, their equipment and accessibility.
In the coming years, LDz plans to modernize elevated passenger platforms and related infrastructure also on other railway lines.