As a result of a tender organized by SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš” (LDz) to design and build 48 railway stations and stops, LDz has concluded design and construction agreements with two contractors. General partnership “BMGS – FIMA” will design and build stations and stops on five railway lines (Rīga - Jelgava, Rīga – Tukums II, Rīga – Krustpils, Zemitāni – Skulte (Kalngale – Skulte), and LEONHARD WEISS” OÜ will perform the same works on one railway line (Zemitāni – Skulte (Zemitāni – Vecāķi)).
SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš” is implementing the project as a part of the measure “modernization and construction of railway infrastructure” of the specific support measure 6.2.1. “to provide a competitive and environmentally-friendly TEN-T rail network, promoting its safety, quality and capacity” of the European Union’s (EU) Operational Program “Growth and Jobs”. The project’s total costs are planned at EUR 44.4 million, of which co-funding from the EU Cohesion Fund will make up 85 percent, and the remaining 15 percent will be paid by LDz with its own money.
SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš” Chairman of the Board Māris Kleinbergs says: “In all Europe and across the world, railway is one of the most important types of public passenger transport, and for railway to become a strong backbone of passenger transport also in Latvia, a number of aspects are essential – modern infrastructure at railway stations and stops, that would be friendly to all groups of passengers, safe and high-quality overall railway infrastructure, fast and sufficiently frequent rail traffic, as well as comfortable and modern rolling stock. I am therefore glad that “Latvijas dzelzceļš” is starting, and by 2023 will complete, work on such a major and socially significant project as the modernization and construction of 48 railway stations and stops”.
Thinking about the needs of all society groups, at all of the modernized railway stations and stops LDz will build elevated platforms, modern and functional canopies, adjusted to the number and needs of passengers, benches and bicycle parking stands, as well as a client-friendly notification system that can be used by all society groups. The rail passenger infrastructure will be made accessible to people with movement, sight and hearing impairments, and tactile surfaces and guides will be provided for passengers with such special needs. Video surveillance will be installed to enhance passengers’ security.
Considering that the development of railway in Latvia has so far been multilayered and the railway infrastructure reflects the change of various powers and fashion trends in the course of many years, for the first time in Latvia’s railway history, in 2020 SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš” worked out uniform visual guidelines for passenger infrastructure, which will be used at all new and modernized railway stations, thus creating a uniform visual image of the Latvian railway infrastructure.
The project will involve the modernization of passenger infrastructure at the aforementioned railway stations and construction of new stops at Silikātu Street and Slokas Street (Torņakalns-Bolderāja line), at Dauderi (Zemitāni-Skulte line), and near the Alfa shopping mall (Rīga-Cēsis line).
General partnership "BMGS - FIMA": "FIMA" Ltd. Chairman of the Board Aleksandrs Grebežs, JSC "BMGS" Chairman of the Board Svetlana Afanasjeva; SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš” Chairman of the Board Māris Kleinbergs
“Leonhard Weiss” OÜ Chairman of the Board Kalle Kask, SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš” Chairman of the Board Māris Kleinbergs, “Leonhard Weiss” OÜ Member of the Board Indrek Kaliste